Thanks for your quick response, my clarifications are below

On 7/16/07, Richard Megginson <> wrote:
Nate Huddleson wrote:
> I have attempted to follow the instructions included in the
> HowTo:ChainOnUpdate, but have run into a problem when attempting to
> configure the chaining backend for the chaining plugin.
What problem?
I am getting a "ldap_add: Local error" from ldap_modify when I attempt to import the following LDIF file:
dn: cn=chainbe1, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: nsBackendInstance
cn: chainbe1
nsslapd-suffix: dc=mycompany,dc=net
nsfarmserverurl: ldaps://
nsmultiplexorbinddn: cn=Replication Manager, cn=config
nsmultiplexorcredentials: testpass
nsCheckLocalACI: on
I also attempted to import the file via JXplorer and perl's Net::LDAP module.  Both failed with the same error (Error 82, in the case of JXplorer).  When I attempted to create the object with just the dn, cn and objectclasses, it worked fine.
> After digging for a while, I discovered that my problem seemed to be
> that the attributes used (such as "nsFarmServerURL" and
> "nsMultiplexorBindDN", etc, etc) are not defined in the schema.
What leads you to believe this is the problem?  The schema for this is
defined internally in the server code, so there are no external schema
files required to define this schema.
I am using JXplorer to browse the LDAP, which provides a schema browser for whatever DB you are connected to.  It does not list the attributes I listed above, but does show many of the other Fedora-DS specific attributes, as well as custom object classes and attributes that we have added.
> I have checked out the source code for FDS 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3
> and 1.0.4 and have not been able to find the schema file that contains
> these attributes.  Can anybody help me with finding the schema file
> and/or the correct way to set up Chaining on Update?
> Thanks,
> Nate.
> P.S. I am trying to set up a master-slave system with a Round Robin
> DNS in front of it for load balancing.  I wanted to set up the chain
> on update so that all the clients can see the system as a single
> server, rather than a collection of servers.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Fedora-directory-devel mailing list

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