Hi Ludwig,

You are right, the test case only checks that trimming is still working :-[ .

The problem is that the failing thread ends with an invalid pointer and SIGSEV.
I imagine two possibilities:
The fix changed the trimming algo so the test case I made was to verify that the trimming was still working.
Martin explained me that the crash occurred while there was no ldap client activity. I will then setup some test machines, run the freeipa acceptance and let them idle other the week end. I will run one machine without the fix and the others with the fix. Also I will reduce the timming period.


On 08/21/2014 04:23 PM, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:
The test case you provide looks like it is testing that changelog trimming is working, shouldn't the test case for the ticket produce the crash it fixes (or does it and I missed it) ?
On 08/21/2014 03:40 PM, thierry bordaz wrote:
Ticket https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/47871
Fix: https://fedorahosted.org/389/attachment/ticket/47871/0001-Ticket-47871-389-ds-base-
Test case: https://fedorahosted.org/389/attachment/ticket/47871/0002-Ticket-47871-Test-case-389-ds-base-


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