On 6/17/19 7:30 PM, Simon Pichugin wrote:
Hi team,
I'm in the process of creating a Vagrant file which is close to the customer's ENV.
It is heavilly based on Viktor's beaker task.
I use it for building and testing my code. And it is pretty important to build with ASAN.

Currently, what I do is:
1. Set 'ASAN_ON = 1' in rpm.mk
2. Run `make -f rpm.mk srpms` target
3. Build the RPM using `mock -q my_generated.srpm`
I've never run into this issue, but I also do not use these steps.  I always run "make -f rpm.mk rpms" then I install the new rpms from dist/rpms.  Perhaps its an issue with using srpms?  Not sure, but just sharing my experience with ASAN builds.
4. Install it

Then I've tried running `dscreate` manually or running tests with py.test.
Every time I have the same error here: /run/dirsrv/ns-slapd-standalone1.asan.XXXXX

    ==22487==LeakSanitizer has encountered a fatal error.
    ==22487==HINT: For debugging, try setting environment variable LSAN_OPTIONS=verbosity=1:log_threads=1
    ==22487==HINT: LeakSanitizer does not work under ptrace (strace, gdb, etc)

I've tried setting `export LSAN_OPTIONS=verbosity=1:log_threads=1` and run once again.
Same issue.

Did anybody encountered the issue? Maybe, Viktor or William, could you please check?
I'm putting the Vagrantfile to the attachments so you can reproduce.
Just run: `ASAN=on vagrant up` from the directory with Vagrantfile.

William, I think, libvirt is present on SUSE so you should have no issues with this too...


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