Michael Thomsen <mikerthomsen(a)gmail.com> kirjoitti:
> NDS 6.11
> Solars 9/05
> The only patch that we have installed so far is the patch cluster for
> Solaris 9 from Feb 3, 2006. It's not running replication and is being
> used in basically a default installation sort of configuration. The
> application that uses it is a simple Java client, nothing that should
> be causing any problems. This is something new that has appeared out
> of the blue.
JNDI has, or used to have, a bug which sends LDAP controls with every operation. IIRC, a workaround can be made in the client code telling JNDI not to use the control. This may or may not help you, but worth noting.
The problem and solution, as I found about 1-2 years ago, is listed in one OpenLDAP mailing list message, but I couldn't find it just now. Anyhow, you can see see the buggy JNDI behaviour I am referring to if you sniff the packets with ethereal.