Hello list,
I have/want the following configuration:
box1: RHDS master server
box2: A read only replica.
The installation on box1 completed sucessfully, but some problem has arised on
Installation of the RPM-files works well, but running setup-ds-admin.pl
is troublesome. As recommended in the docoumentation I want to use the
existing Configuration Directory Server on box1 for the replica
install on box2, but the installation fails with the following error:
Pick a port number between 1024 and 65535 to run your Administration
Server on. You should NOT use a port number which you plan to
run a web or application server on, rather, select a number which you
will remember and which will not be used for anything else.
[08/05/20:12:23:04] - [Setup] Info Administration port
[08/05/20:12:23:37] - [Setup] Info 9830
[08/05/20:12:23:37] - [Setup] Info The interactive phase is complete.
The script will now set up your
servers. Enter No or go Back if you want to change something.
[08/05/20:12:23:37] - [Setup] Info Are you ready to set up your servers?
[08/05/20:12:23:42] - [Setup] Info yes
[08/05/20:12:23:42] - [Setup] Info Creating directory server . . .
[08/05/20:12:23:46] - [Setup] Info Your new DS instance 'd20dcvl002'
was successfully created.
[08/05/20:12:23:46] - [Setup] Info Creating the configuration
directory server . . .
[08/05/20:12:23:46] - [Setup] Info Error adding entry 'cn=Red Hat
Directory Server, cn=Server Group, cn=d20dcvl002.internsone2.local,
ou=internsone2.local, o=NetscapeRoot'. Error: No such object
[08/05/20:12:23:46] - [Setup] Fatal Could not register the directory
server with the configuration directory server.
[08/05/20:12:23:46] - [Setup] Fatal Exiting . . .
Log file is '/tmp/setupCvZ4zW.log'
SSL/TLS is disabled on box1. The o=NetscapeRoot DIT looks okay, and the
branch for box1 seems to be correct and working.
Do you have any suggestions for how I can debug this problem?
Erling Ringen Elvsrud