OK, I've got auth figured out for Linux login.
This is a good thing. A very good thing!
Now, if a user does "passwd" on the Linux box, I see that it updates
their LDAP password.
Another very good thing!
But I'm going to have non-Linux users too. I'm not adventurous enough
at this point to set up a WIndows NT domain or anything like that for
the windows users, so I'll just do local-login for them at the moment.
But they will still have to go to websites and such which ask them to
authenticate. I don't yet have apache LDAP auth working, but I'm
sure it will prove to be reasonably easy.
Once I get that done, I'll need a way for these users to change the
passwords. In a pinch I guess I could ask them to download putty and
SSH into a Linux box. But that just seems ugly.
Is there a good web-based plugin for this that I can just grab
"off-the-shelf" without having to roll my own?
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- Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"