I've managed to get past the the strangely obscure method of installing an SSL certificate, and from the server side everything appears to be OK. Actually its a "CACert" certificate, rather then self signed. Using Jxplorer, I can connect the the DS using SSL, accept the certificate, and I'm all set.
However, I am having a ton of trouble figuring out how to use an untrusted ca for my linux user authentication. I changed /etc/ldap.conf to use ldaps://, and it attemtps to connect as expected. I think this would work, if I could figure out how to tell it to accept the certificate. I get the following error message in DS after running getent passwd.
[24/Jun/2009:12:24:02 -0400] conn=3 op=-1 fd=66 closed - Peer does not recognize and trust the CA that issued your certificate.
[24/Jun/2009:12:24:02 -0400] conn=4 op=-1 fd=67 closed - Peer does not recognize and trust the CA that issued your certificate.
Any thoughts?