So I am a little at a loss here, perhaps somebody out there has some
insight I am missing (likely obvious, knowing my luck).
I have a 389-ds 1.1.3-5 (redhat epel RPM) / i386 directory server, I ran
db2ldif to export the data. Then on a new host running 389-ds-1.2.1-1 /
x86_64, I ran ldif2db and imported the data. I can see the entries when
I browse it from 389-console, and if I run db2ldif all of the data is
there, but if I do an ldapsearch query, it returns no results, which is
not how it should be. The command:
ldapsearch -D dn.. -W -x -H ldap://newhost uid
This search returns zero results, and no errors. If I point it against
the old server where the data came from, it returns 366 results.