Hey Everyone,
I love the new dsconf python tool. Its great, and big upgrade over the
perl scripts that I think I have been using for decades.
However I am having a problem using it when making new replication
agreements between multiple masters.
How do I find the duplicates and how do i run dsconf to avoid that
Error after agreements are made:
Error (11) Replication error acquiring replica: Unable to acquire
replica: the replica has the same Replica ID as this one. Replication is
aborting. (duplicate replica ID detected)
Error (11) Replication error acquiring replica: duplicate replica ID
I know how to delete the newly made agreements no problem, but how do I
recreate them to avoid the duplicates? when creating the agreements I
didnt see a way to set an id.
command for the individual agreement.. maybe I am doing something wrong.
This is how I setup the agreement:
dsconf -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w $pass ldap://$supplier-
repl-agmt \
create --suffix="ou=$suffix,o=school,c=us" --host=$consumer
--port=389 \
--conn-protocol=StartTLS --bind-dn="cn=replication
manager,cn=config" \
--bind-passwd="x" --bind-method=SIMPLE --init \
And this is how I setup the id and replication for the for the suffix:
dsconf -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w $pass ldap://$consumer replication \
enable --suffix="ou=$suffix,o=school,c=us" --role="master"
--replica-id=$repid \
--bind-dn="cn=replication manager,cn=config" --bind-passwd=XXX
In my case I have 3 masters that I need to setup MMR between, and this
error happens when I added the third. It says replication is already set
for the suffix as mmr, which is correct, but I cant set a new repid for
each aggreement via the first command.
Thank you everyone,
Other info: