Hi All,

I tried FDS a lot and also seeked help from IRC and this mailing lists regarding how to get clients authenticated to FDS. I didnt receive ANY help and was (in IRC) sent back that I am not thorough with the LDAP Basics. I was surprised to get that answer. After trying nearly for hours, I switched to openLDAP and Ubuntu as Client, and believe me, THEY WORKED LIKE CHARM !. Just 1 hour spent, LDAP server and client up!

FDS looks to be a good product but it still needs extensive documentation. "Run authconfig, that should do the job for the client" isnt enough. I did that, edited pam files, nsswitch.conf files, nothing worked in fedora (version 6) with FDS. But with openLDAP, it worked. I also have to admit that openLDAP and fedora as client didnt work with authconfig.

I am running openLDAP in Fedora Core system and that looks to be great.

I am very disappointed that there is not much help available from FDS Users, from this mailing list or IRC . Any special reason for this? Even when a User has a dumb question like, "I am not able to add Clients", why cant it be complex?

"Sometimes it's better not to ask - or to listen - when people tell you something can't be done. I didnt ask for permission or approval. I just went ahead and did it."  - from "Direct from Dell"