On 10/14/2011 02:22 AM, Moisés Barba Pérez wrote:

   I'm doing a backup for mi access logs in several ldap servers and I have found that some of this logs have been deleted because of rotation info. The thing is, I want to save all the access log generated in a day in files of 100MB. I have searched the way to do it and now I have to set the maximum size of the combined archived logs to -1, but I don't know if I can set -1 to the
maximum number of logs for the directory to keep. Is this possible?
Not sure - have you read http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Directory_Server/8.2/html-single/Administration_Guide/index.html#Configuring_Logs
http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Directory_Server/8.2/html-single/Configuration_and_Command-Line_Tool_Reference/index.html#cnconfig - nsslapd-accesslog attributes?

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