
I have a search problem with Fedora DS 1.1.3.
My directory has an extended schema on the objectClass "inetOrgPerson". It contains 350000 inetOrgPerson objects.
When I proceed a search with that kind of filter (cn=smith*) or (uid=25698*) the response comes 1 minute later with a error code 11.
Indexes on cn and uid  attribute are on equality, presence and substring. I have recreated (plus reindexed) this attribute.
I put the look-through-limit to infinity though I don't have the errror code 11 anymore but I have to wait a very long time the response.
In the log, I found "etime=77 notes=U" which means that the search does not use the indexes.

I have done the same requests with a "native" schema : it works perfectly. So, it is my extended schema which causes the problem.
Can the Fedora DS (or 389 DS) deal with extended schema ?

Does anybody met this problem ? Is there a solution for forcing FDS to use the indexes ?

Thanks you

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