2008/12/9 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@redhat.com>
Andrey Ivanov wrote:
Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 4:26:08 PM, you wrote:

RM> Andrey Ivanov wrote:
There is a special type of indexing for the VLV sort searches but I have
not found what sort of index I should create to make the server-side sort
on a certain attribute optimized.
RM> I think each attribute you want to sort by must be indexed for equality.
No, it does not seem to be sufficient. I have activated all the
indexes for the attribute (sn), the logs still show "notes=U" :

[09/Dec/2008:16:36:38 +0100] conn=3817 op=3 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=40 etime=0.004000 notes=U


Maybe there is a special type of index for server-side sorting like
the one for the VLV?
Do you have any problems if you search on those attributes without server side sorting?

No, not really. It's more a request from our developers to simplify user sorting in their web applications.

If i make the same search without the sorting the result is shown as indexed (no "notes=U") and takes two times less time :

[09/Dec/2008:16:48:58 +0100] conn=3821 op=3 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=40 etime=0.002000