On Mon June 18 2007, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Maurizio Marini wrote:
As stated clearly here: http://www.mail-archive.com/fedora-directory-users@redhat.com/msg02579.ht ml
linux distro should be support apache 2.0 not 2.2
I'm not sure what you mean. The e-mail you are referring to discussed the change of Apache versions between Fedora Core 4 and 5. A similar thing happened between RHEL 4 and 5 (though the release numbers is just a coincidence).
The directory server uses the version of Apache that comes by default with the distribution. So in the case of RHEL 4 and Fedore Core 4 this was Apache 2.0.x. For Fedora Core 5+ and RHEL 5 this is Apache 2.2.x.
i mean this: if you try to install fedora-ds into Centos5, you get this error:
httpd.worker: Syntax error on line 151 of /opt/fedora-ds/admin-serv/config/httpd.conf: Cannot load /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libmodrestartd.so into server: /op t/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libmodrestartd.so: undefined symbol: apr_filename_of_pathname
if you google for this exact error, you wilfind that:
so, fedora-ds 1.0.4 needs apache 2.0
if u install it onto a distro shipping apache 2.2 u will get the infamous: httpd.worker: Syntax error on line 151
this is frustrating, but it's so.