On 3/3/20 1:01 PM, Mark Reynolds wrote:

On 3/3/20 12:28 PM, Alberto Viana wrote:
Hi Guys,

I'm testing some versions of 389 and I realise that in newer versions, cockpit stopped to work to me:

There is no 389-ds-base package installed on this system. Sorry there is nothing to manage...

In my case (due to internal reasons) we compile our version of 389.

Is this an expected behavior? Is it suppose to only work if I have a 389 package installed in the system? There's any workaround for that?

It's looking for an rpm via:

    rpm -q 389-ds-base

Just install the official rpm, and overwrite it with your private build.

If you are doing a private build anyway, you could just remove this check from the UI code:

In master branch this function is checkPackageAndLoad() and it's found in src/cockpit/389-console/src/ds.jsx, or in older versions it's somewhere in ds.js (it has a different function name though), then just rebuild cockpit




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