Is the memberOf attribute handling by the memberOf plugin limited to objects inside the same subsuffix?
If it's not planned as such  please doublecheck this behaviour within the following scenario:

- suffix dc=directory,dc=org
- subsuffix ou=users,dc=directory,dc=org
- subsuffix ou=testing,ou=users,dc=directory,dc=org

We have then three databases. They're not replicated. The membefOf plugin works only with elements (users and groups) that belong to the same subsuffix.  But not between different subsuffixes. As such, if you make a user of ou=testing... member of a group of ou=users then the plugin will not populate the memberOf attribute for that user.

The same here:
- subsuffix ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
- subsuffix ou=grupos,dc=example,dc=com

Here the plugin wont work either.  If you make a user inside ou=users member of a group inside ou=groups then the value of memberOf wont be populated.

If you set debug to heavy trace, you'll see that the plugin runs in every situation but:
1.- when the objects belong to the same subsuffix, adding one membership triggers the memberOf plugin to "ldap replace" values, which is correct.
2.- when the objects belong to different subsuffix, adding one membership triggers the memberOf plugin to "ldap REMOVE" values, which amazes me.

DS CentOS5.