On 04/11/2013 01:25 PM, carne_de_passaro wrote:

It would appear the DN is corrupted.  We might be able to find it.  The entries are sent in roughly entry ID order.  So assuming the first entry with ID 1 is sent in op=4, we should be looking for an entry with ID 43381-4 = 43377

On the supplier, do this

dbscan -K 43377 -f /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-INST/db/dbname/id2entry.db4

If that one looks ok, then try going up or down from 43377

It was some corrupted DN indeed! Then I deleted that bad entries and now I can initialize the database without errors.
Just one more question, this database is a copy of a production environment. This environment runs FDS 1.2.0 in all servers (about 200 servers) with some databases. The question is, these bad entries is replicated normally with other servers,

Not sure.  Could be that earlier versions of FDS/389 allowed these to be replicated, but not newer versions.

even if I need to reinitialize one of these servers, is there any option to set on the 389ds, which permits these null DN?

On newer 389?  I don't think so.  Is it a problem to identify them and fix them?

Thank you very much for your support.