On 2/26/08, Rich Megginson <rmeggins@redhat.com> wrote:
solarflow99 wrote:
>     You should not use setup-ds.pl.  You should use setup-ds-admin.pl
>     instead.  See -
>     http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/install/8.0/index.html
> thanks, I can't believe thats all it was...
> When using the console, I noticed strange behaviour and java errors, I
> guess FDS still needs an old version of JRE?  The wiki links to 1.4.2,
> I just wonder why a newer version can't be used?
Java 1.5 works fine.  What errors are you seeing?
well, i'm trying to see if I can use the latest JRE from sun's website, or is a certain version required?  It almost works with the java that comes in rhel 5.1, it just didnt work correctly.  Its too bad the JRE couldn't be included already in rhel 5, I can't see why not, 4 had it in the extras CD.  You said you never tested with some recent java versions right?