joe wrote:
I followed the steps of Red Hat document to implement Windows 2000 sync with FDS. After my "initial re-synchronization" process was done, I checked my directory tree.

I saw some entries like "cn=Domain Admins, ou=People, dc=example, dc=com", and it contained "Members/Static Group - uid=Administrator, , ou=People, dc=example, dc=com"

in its properties. But I could not find the real entry dn named "uid=Administrator, , ou=People, dc=example, dc=com" in my ds tree. Is it the correct result? Or I did
This looks wrong. The double comma in the DN should be illegal.

I don't believe this is a known problem -- I've never seen this
particular issue reported before.

Do you otherwise get correct sync results ?
i.e. do your regular users and groups get sync'ed ok ?

If you enable replication logging, then run a re-sync,
there will probably be something in the error log
pertaining to this entry. That might tell us what's going wrong.