I have a question.
With EPEL8 modular, when I want to do a fresh 389ds installation i use the command:
dnf module install 389-directory-server:stable/default
which provides 389ds version 2.0.15
Now, if I do a fresh installation using copr, there is no "stable" tag. If I just do a:
dnf install 389-ds-base
it provides 389ds version 2.2.4
So, it seems using copr also means upgrading 389ds from 2.0.x version to 2.2.x. version.
Yes, this is correct. This copr follows releases of 389ds that appear in the latest stable Fedora version. We also have 389-directory-server-next copr that follows Fedora Rawhide.
F37: 2.2.x
F38/Rawhide: 2.3.x
Once F38 becomes the new stable release, 2.3.x version will appear in 389-directory-server copr.
I see there are 4 currently 389ds releases:
There is also a 1.4.3.x version as part of the 389-ds module. It doesn't have WebUI and is intended to be used as part of the idm module. But you can install it anyway:
dnf module enable 389-ds:1.4
dnf install 389-ds-base
What is in general the suggested/recommended 389ds version to be installed EL8-based (Almalinux, RockyLinux, etc.) production systems ?
On RHEL8 I'd recommend using RHDS :)
On EL8 distros a good choice is whatever version is in 389-directory-server copr, it's well tested and is very close to the latest RHDS version on RHEL9.
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