My short trite answer is:

On 22/05/11 03:10 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:

I have installed the 389 DS on F14 x86_64 OK and can see a few people 
that I added with the 389 Console in both Thunderbird and Squirrelmail 
but now I want to do a bulk import of my TB addressbook into the 389 DB. 
  I can export the TB AB to an ldif file but it fails to import using 
the 389 "Import Databases" fn - I presume I have to somehow massage the 
LDIF file to make it compatible?  Here is a complete record:

dn: cn=Tina XXXXXX,
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha
givenName: Tina
sn: Franks
cn: Tina XXXXXX
mozillaNickname: tinaX
modifytimestamp: 48a5a25d

I guess one of the objectlasses should be "People"?

