Hello all, I tried create one partition by command line, but it doesn't work. And when I've tried to restart the console admin, it doesn's work too and when I did a search for cn=mapping tree,cn=config subtree, it didn't return anything. I Tried follow the tutorial at this site: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/ag/7.1/entry_dist.html#17741
I Created the database for root suffix, the root suffix(dc=mg), sub suffix(ou=bh,dc=mg) and the database link(Contain a Referral for other Server) for sub suffix at Main Server . In the other server I created the root suffix(ou=bh,dc=mg) and the database for this root suffix. The LDIF's that i used for create these partitions as follow:
./ldapmodify -a -D "cn=directory manager" -w- -f /tmp/partition.ldif Configuration for the Main Server #Create the database dn: cn=particaoManual,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsBackendInstance nsslapd-suffix: "ou=bh,dc=mg"
#Create root suffix dn: cn="ou=bh,dc=mg",cn=mapping tree,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsMappingTree nsslapd-state: backend nsslapd-backend: particaoManual cn: ou=bh,dc=mg
#Create sub suffix dn: cn="ou=bh,dc=mg",cn=mapping tree,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsMappingTree nsslapd-state: Referral nsslapd-referral: ldap://,dc=mg nsslapd-backend: particaoLink nsslapd-parent-suffix: "dc=mg" cn: ou=bh,dc=mg
#Create Database link dn: cn=particaoLink,cn=chaining database,cn=plugins,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsBackendInstance nsslapd-suffix: ou=bh,dc=mg nsfarmserverurl: ldap:// nsmultiplexorbinddn: uid=replicator,cn=config nsmultiplexorcredentials: secret cn: particaoLink
Configuration for the Other Server ./ldapmodify -a -D "cn=directory manager" -w- -f /tmp/subpartition.ldif #Create the database dn: cn=particaoManual,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsBackendInstance nsslapd-suffix: "ou=bh,dc=mg"
#Create root suffix dn: cn="ou=bh,dc=mg",cn=mapping tree,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsMappingTree nsslapd-state: backend nsslapd-backend: particaoManual cn: ou=bh,dc=mg
att, Jorge Santos
Jorge Santos wrote:
I tried create one partition by command line, but it doesn't work. And when I've tried to restart the console admin, it doesn's work too and when I did a search for cn=mapping tree,cn=config subtree, it didn't return anything. I Tried follow the tutorial at this site: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/ag/7.1/entry_dist.html#17741
I Created the database for root suffix, the root suffix(dc=mg), sub suffix(ou=bh,dc=mg) and the database link(Contain a Referral for other Server) for sub suffix at Main Server . In the other server I created the root suffix(ou=bh,dc=mg) and the database for this root suffix. The LDIF's that i used for create these partitions as follow:
You're trying to do a lot of things here, and not explaining what part didn't work. Why don't you start at the beginning: tell us each step you've gone through, what you expected that step to accomplish, and what did or did not work.
Ok, I Would like to setup a partition by command line and i'd tried to follow the tutorial in this site: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/ag/7.1/entry_dist.html#17741
But, when I finished to follow the tutorial(create the partition in one server e the subpartition in the other server), I can't restart the slapd. I realized that information in "cn=mapping tree,cn=config" was lost.
And the only thing that I need is to create a partition in the master server (dc=mg) and create a sub-partition in the other server (ou=bh,dc=mg) If you did anything like this, can you post the ldif's that you used, please. I don't know why the configuration failed, because I followed the tutorial correctly.
Jorge Santos
On 9/26/06, Gordon Messmer gmessmer@u.washington.edu wrote:
Jorge Santos wrote:
I tried create one partition by command line, but it doesn't work. And when I've tried to restart the console admin, it doesn's work too and when I did a search for cn=mapping tree,cn=config subtree, it didn't return anything. I Tried follow the tutorial at this site:
I Created the database for root suffix, the root suffix(dc=mg), sub suffix(ou=bh,dc=mg) and the database link(Contain a Referral for other Server) for sub suffix at Main Server . In the other server I created the root suffix(ou=bh,dc=mg) and the database for this root suffix. The LDIF's that i used for create these partitions as follow:
You're trying to do a lot of things here, and not explaining what part didn't work. Why don't you start at the beginning: tell us each step you've gone through, what you expected that step to accomplish, and what did or did not work.
-- Fedora-directory-users mailing list Fedora-directory-users@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-directory-users
Jorge Santos wrote:
I Would like to setup a partition by command line and i'd tried to follow the tutorial in this site: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/ag/7.1/entry_dist.html#17741 http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/ag/7.1/entry_dist.html#17741
I don't see any "tutorial" at that URL, so I still don't know exactly what you're trying to do. That document covers a number of different topics, not all of which will be used together.
I tried following the configuration in your earlier email a second time, and it looks like on one server, you're creating an LDBM database for the suffix "ou=bh,dc=mg", and then creating a link to another server for the same suffix. I'm pretty sure you can only do one of those two things for a given suffix. In other words, your configuration can't include two identical entries, 'cn="ou=bh,dc=mg",cn=mapping tree,cn=config'.
So, try explaining the topology that you're trying to achieve as an end result, and maybe we can give you a better idea of how to approach it.
But, when I finished to follow the tutorial(create the partition in one server e the subpartition in the other server), I can't restart the slapd. I realized that information in "cn=mapping tree,cn=config" was lost.
On which host? Your original message didn't give names or IP numbers for the servers, which you should include.
And the only thing that I need is to create a partition in the master server (dc=mg) and create a sub-partition in the other server (ou=bh,dc=mg)
If that's the case, you probably don't want a database link, unless you want the "other" server to contain a database for which the "master" server will also answer.
If the two servers have different suffixes, how are they related?
Ok, now I Will explain what I want. I would like to distribute my data and the mechanics of data distribution which I'm trying to use is about suffixes. I make a figure explain my topology and it's following as attachment. dc=mg is my root suffix which is stored in the Server 1 ou=bh,dc=mg is my sub-suffix of dc=mg and it's stored in the Server 2
Now, I'm trying to do this topology by command line
It is a Distributed Topology and I get more information about distributed data by using suffix in this site: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/deploy/7.1/referral.html#10002...
Jorge Santos
Jorge Santos wrote:
It is a Distributed Topology and I get more information about distributed data by using suffix in this site: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/deploy/7.1/referral.html#10002...
OK, it's starting to become more clear. Now: *why* are you trying to create a distributed topology? Are you trying to allow management of the sub-suffix by a different group? Are you trying to establish a proxy? Are you trying to replicate the database for better performance, or higher availability?
I'm trying to allow management of the sub-suffix by a different group, to increase the perfomance and because of scalability
Jorge Santos
Jorge Santos wrote:
I'm trying to allow management of the sub-suffix by a different group, to increase the perfomance and because of scalability
The former can be done with ACIs, and AFIAK, you'll only get the latter if you set up database replication rather than database links.
If you want to follow the replication route, two different configurations spring immediately to mind. In the first, you set up "dc=mg" (which is an unusual configuration; "dc" is the short name aka "domaincomponent", which normally is used to describe a DNS name: redhat.com == dc=redhat,dc=com) on the master server, and create "ou=bh" underneath it. Create an administrative account in ou=People,dc=mg, and give that account write access to "ou=bh,dc=mg". Then, set up the same root on your second server, and establish replication of the dc=mg suffix to that server. You can make the secondary server a read-only consumer, or if you like, you can set them both up as multi-master read-write servers, in which case they each need a replication agreement to the other.
The other configuration that's possible is to set up each suffix on its respective server, and then create a read-only replica of the other server's suffix on the opposite. In this configuration, serverA would have a read-write dc=mg, and a read-only ou=bh,dc=mg; serverB would have a read-write ou=bh,dc=mg, and a read-only dc=mg. Searches would work against either server, and writes would be redirected by referrals. Clients that don't follow referrals would need to write to the correct server explicitly.
So.. which way would you rather go?