As it turns out, PADL's nss/pam ldap ships with a schema that does this very thing. On my RHEL4 system, there is a file called /usr/share/doc/nss_ldap-226/ldapns.schema which contains the following: # $Id: ldapns.schema,v 1.3 2003/05/29 12:57:29 lukeh Exp $
# LDAP Name Service Additional Schema
attributetype ( NAME 'authorizedService' DESC 'IANA GSS-API authorized service name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{256} )
objectclass ( NAME 'authorizedServiceObject' DESC 'Auxiliary object class for adding authorizedService attribute' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY authorizedService )
objectclass ( NAME 'hostObject' DESC 'Auxiliary object class for adding host attribute' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY host )
It's already a standard in the sense that it already has an official IANA OID assigned to the hostObject objectclass. It's been included with nss/pam ldap for years.
Rich Megginson wrote:
As it turns out, PADL's nss/pam ldap ships with a schema that does this very thing. On my RHEL4 system, there is a file called /usr/share/doc/nss_ldap-226/ldapns.schema which contains the following:
What do you think about packaging that with FDS, in the proper format?
-- mike
Mike Jackson wrote:
Rich Megginson wrote:
As it turns out, PADL's nss/pam ldap ships with a schema that does this very thing. On my RHEL4 system, there is a file called /usr/share/doc/nss_ldap-226/ldapns.schema which contains the following:
What do you think about packaging that with FDS, in the proper format?
Absolutely. It's on my to do list for the next release.
-- mike
-- Fedora-directory-users mailing list
Hi, guys. I finally got the solaris box to talk to the FDS (thank you all for your help).
I'm now having a problem where I can't telnet/ssh from another machine.
On the client, I have this:
bash-2.03# ldaplist -l passwd testdba dn: uid=testdba,ou=People, dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com givenName: oracle sn: user loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 10001 gidNumber: 7000 objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: inetorgperson objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowaccount uid: testdba cn: oracle user homeDirectory: /home/testdba bash-2.03#
The ACIs (in addition to the default ones):
Bind Password: dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com
aci=(targetattr = "cn||uid||uidNumber||gidNumber||homeDirectory||shadowLastChange||shadowMin||shadowMax||shadowWarning| |shadowInactive||shadowExpire||shadowFlag||memberUid" )(version 3.0; acl LDAP_Naming_Services_deny_write_access;deny (write) userdn = "ldap: ///self";) aci=(target="ldap:///dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com")(targetattr="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl LDAP_Naming_Services_proxy_password_read; allow (compare,search) userdn = " ldap:///cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com";)
There's nothing in the /var/adm/messages. My pam.conf [snipped] is this:
# login service (explicit because of pam_dial_auth) # login auth requisite login auth required login auth sufficient login auth required try_first_pass login auth required
sshd auth sufficient /usr/lib/security/ sshd auth required /usr/lib/security/ use_first_pass
The userPassword field is not displayed when I do ldaplist. Is that normal? Even when I do this:
/usr/bin/ldapsearch -D "cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com" -h cnyitlin02 -b dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com objectclass=*
uid=testdba,ou=People, dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com givenName=oracle sn=user loginShell=/bin/bash uidNumber=10001 gidNumber=7000 objectClass=top objectClass=person objectClass=organizationalPerson objectClass=inetorgperson objectClass=posixAccount objectClass=shadowaccount uid=testdba cn=oracle user homeDirectory=/home/testdba
How can I go about troubleshooting this?
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