David M. Partridge Senior Identity Management and Security Engineer Tangible Software | 2010 Corporate Ridge, #620x-apple-data-detectors://0 McLean, Virginia 22102x-apple-data-detectors://0 |dpartridge@tangible.netmailto:dpartridge@tangible.net Direct: 800-913-9901 x3001tel:800-913-9901;3001 | Cell: 571-2tel:571-286-962843-8044 Fax: 703-288-1226tel:703-288-1226 | DCO Jabber:david.partridge2@chat.dco.dod.milmailto:david.partridge2@chat.dco.dod.mil
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On May 28, 2014, at 8:24 PM, "389-users-request@lists.fedoraproject.orgmailto:389-users-request@lists.fedoraproject.org" <389-users-request@lists.fedoraproject.orgmailto:389-users-request@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
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