I have done everything I can to find documentation on where this error comes from and how to fix it, however I cannot find anything. The information I have found is that the time of the two servers has to be more than 24 hours off in order for this to happen. However my time is well within the suggested limits.
[31/Aug/2006:13:43:06 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=To_SLP-CT02" (SLP-CT02:389): Unable to acquire replica: Excessive clock skew between the supplier and the consumer. Replication is aborting.
[31/Aug/2006:13:43:06 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=To_SLP-CT02" (SLP-CT02:389): Incremental update failed and requires administrator action
Fedora-Directory/1.0.2 B2006.060.1925
SLP-CT01.velocitypayment.com:389 (/opt/fedora-ds/slapd-SLP-CT01)
[root@SLP-CT01 logs]# ntpdate -q time.nist.gov
server, stratum 1, offset 0.245936, delay 0.07451
31 Aug 14:23:09 ntpdate[8092]: adjust time server offset 0.245936 sec
[root@SLP-CT02 root]# ntpdate -q time.nist.gov
server, stratum 1, offset 0.372832, delay 0.07402
31 Aug 14:23:37 ntpdate[8734]: adjust time server offset 0.372832 sec
These two servers are setup in a multimaster configuration, contantly replicating to each other. Up until a week ago the servers had been replicating without interruption for about at least a two month (I started here a month ago) and now they do not seem to want to replicate any more.
I am new to LDAP in general, so if you need more information please let me know what.
Thanks in advance.
Sam Barnard
Systems Administrator
Govolution LLC
(703) 894-5000 x 5703
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