You also can run that will give you information on unindexed searches.
Regards, Dave
From: Renato Ribeiro da Silva [] Sent: Fri 6/26/2009 9:00 AM To:; General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project. Subject: Re: [389-users] Finger slow and optimizing performance
Hi, You can look for "notes=U" in the access log file that indicates an unindexed search.
Regard, TISDN
Em 26/06/2009 às 00:53 horas, escreveu:
Hi! I was spending some time today trying to make sure that I was getting the most bang for my buck today an my replica's and I notices two items of interest that I was wondering if anyone else had input on! Firstly, after creating a number of indexs, my performance seems to be really good, the exception that I noticed was "finger" I noticed that finger takes a couple of seconds to return the data on RHDS whereas on OpenLDAP, it pops right now in real time! My first though was that I was doing an un-indexed search, but I can't for the life of me figure out what I might not be indexing that I should be! The second thing I noticed was that on my servers, which are RHEL5, running 32bit OS's with the PAE Kernels, RHDS doesn't ever actually address more then 3 gig of ram! I was looking through the documentations, and it looks like by raising the "Maximum Cache Size" I'll be able to allow RHDS to use more of the available memory.. did I get that right? Anyway, as always thanks in advance for all the help! This list has been a tremendous resource for an application that keeps on showing it's value in huge ways! Best, Tim -- 389 users mailing list
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