I'm trying to upgrade my 389DS version from to Notice that the new 389DS( is a fresh instalation, so I copied my backup files (backup using db2back.pl) from the old server to the new one and tried to restore the base:
/opt/dirsrv/sbin/bak2db.pl -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w - -a RNP-2013_9_20_12_0_1/
I got these errors:
[20/Sep/2013:14:58:24 -0300] - Beginning restore to 'ldbm database' [20/Sep/2013:14:58:24 -0300] - Bringing userRoot offline... [20/Sep/2013:14:58:24 -0300] - Bringing NetscapeRoot offline... [20/Sep/2013:14:58:24 -0300] - Waiting for 4 database threads to stop [20/Sep/2013:14:58:25 -0300] - All database threads now stopped [20/Sep/2013:14:58:25 -0300] - Deleting log file: (/opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/log.0000000001) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:25 -0300] - Restoring file 1 (/opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/userRoot/DBVERSION) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:25 -0300] - Restoring file 2 (/opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/log.0000000412) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - Restoring file 3 (/opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/NetscapeRoot/DBVERSION) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - Restoring file 4 (/opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/DBVERSION) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - Clean up db environment and start from archive. [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - rename returned 2 (No such file or directory) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - update_db_ext: index (userRoot) Failed to update index /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/userRoot/id2entry.db4 -> /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/userRoot/id2entry.db [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - rename returned 2 (No such file or directory) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - update_db_ext: index (userRoot) Failed to update index /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/userRoot/id2entry.db -> /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/userRoot/id2entry.db4 [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - Upgrading instance userRoot failed [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - archive2db: Unable to restart 'userRoot' [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - rename returned 2 (No such file or directory) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - update_db_ext: index (NetscapeRoot) Failed to update index /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/NetscapeRoot/id2entry.db4 -> /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/NetscapeRoot/id2entry.db [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - rename returned 2 (No such file or directory) [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - update_db_ext: index (NetscapeRoot) Failed to update index /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/NetscapeRoot/id2entry.db -> /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/db/NetscapeRoot/id2entry.db4 [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - Upgrading instance NetscapeRoot failed [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - archive2db: Unable to restart 'NetscapeRoot' [20/Sep/2013:14:58:26 -0300] - Restore finished.
Someone can point me what I'm doing wrong?
Alberto Viana