I am migrating an LDAP server off of Netscape I-Planet to Fedora Directory Server 1.0.4. I am having some issues with ldapmodify in that the command that worked in I-Planet 5.0 to do adds, modifiess, and deletes from the same run doesn't seem to work in Fedora DS.
With I-Planet:
ldapmodify -a -c -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
would take updates.ldif and do the adds, modifies, and deletions that were in the ldif all in one run.
However, to do the same thing in Fedora DS, I find that I am having to do:
ldapmodify -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
and then
ldapmodify -a -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
So I guess I wondering if there is a way to get one iteration of ldapmodify to handle changes, adds, and deletes as the I-Planet version did.
Are you sure you are running a Netscape/Mozilla/FedoraDS ldapmodify and not an OpenLDAP ldapmodify ?
Scott Lacy wrote:
I am migrating an LDAP server off of Netscape I-Planet to Fedora Directory Server 1.0.4. I am having some issues with ldapmodify in that the command that worked in I-Planet 5.0 to do adds, modifiess, and deletes from the same run doesn't seem to work in Fedora DS.
With I-Planet:
ldapmodify -a -c -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
would take updates.ldif and do the adds, modifies, and deletions that were in the ldif all in one run.
However, to do the same thing in Fedora DS, I find that I am having to do:
ldapmodify -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
and then
ldapmodify -a -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
So I guess I wondering if there is a way to get one iteration of ldapmodify to handle changes, adds, and deletes as the I-Planet version did.
-- Fedora-directory-users mailing list
Scott Lacy wrote:
I am migrating an LDAP server off of Netscape I-Planet to Fedora Directory Server 1.0.4. I am having some issues with ldapmodify in that the command that worked in I-Planet 5.0 to do adds, modifiess, and deletes from the same run doesn't seem to work in Fedora DS.
With I-Planet:
ldapmodify -a -c -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
would take updates.ldif and do the adds, modifies, and deletions that were in the ldif all in one run.
However, to do the same thing in Fedora DS, I find that I am having to do:
ldapmodify -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
and then
ldapmodify -a -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
So I guess I wondering if there is a way to get one iteration of ldapmodify to handle changes, adds, and deletes as the I-Planet version did.
I'm not sure. In the former case, you're probably using either the Solaris supplied ldapmodify or the mozldap 5.x ldapmodify. In the latter case, you're using OpenLDAP ldapmodify (because of the -x argument, I'm assuming). It's possible that the different ldapmodify clients have different behaviors. You might try /opt/fedora-ds/shared/bin/ldapmodify which is the mozldap 6.x one.
-- Fedora-directory-users mailing list
Using /opt/fedora-ds/shared/bin/ldapmodify works a lot better than /usr/bin/ldapmodify. ;P
Thanks all!
Scott Lacy wrote:
I am migrating an LDAP server off of Netscape I-Planet to Fedora Directory Server 1.0.4. I am having some issues with ldapmodify in that the command that worked in I-Planet 5.0 to do adds, modifiess, and deletes from the same run doesn't seem to work in Fedora DS.
With I-Planet:
ldapmodify -a -c -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
would take updates.ldif and do the adds, modifies, and deletions that were in the ldif all in one run.
However, to do the same thing in Fedora DS, I find that I am having to do:
ldapmodify -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
and then
ldapmodify -a -c -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxx -f updates.ldif
So I guess I wondering if there is a way to get one iteration of ldapmodify to handle changes, adds, and deletes as the I-Planet version did.
-- Fedora-directory-users mailing list