With the usual apologies.
The 3rd Edition of the International Conference on LDAP (LDAPCon 2011[1]) will be held on October, 10-11, 2011 in Heidelberg, Germany. A Call For Papers[2] has been raised and the Program Committee asks you to submit abstracts by July 8th.
The International Conference on LDAP is a technical forum for IT professionals interested in LDAP and related topics like directory servers, directory management applications, directory integration, identity and access management, and meta directories.
It focuses on implementation and integration of LDAP servers and LDAP-enabled client applications. The event will bring together vendors, developers, active and prospective LDAP practitioners to share their experiences about deployment strategies, service operations, interoperability, discuss LDAP usage in new projects and learn about upcoming trends and developments.
The 1st LDAPCon[3] was held in September 2007 in Germany, the 2nd LDAPCon[4] was held in September 2009 in Portland, Oregon, USA (Some pictures from LDAPCon 2007 [5] and a nice summary of LDAPCon 2009 [6])
So if you're involved with LDAP in interesting projects and you want to share your experiences, please check the Call For Papers and submit a proposal.
[1]: http://www.ldapcon.org [2]: http://www.daasi.de/ldapcon2011/index.php?site=cfp [3]: http://www.guug.de/veranstaltungen/ldapcon2007/index.html [4]: http://www.symas.com/ldapcon2009 [5]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ludovic_p/sets/72157601937159198/detail/ [6]: http://blogs.sun.com/Ludo/entry/ldapcon_2009_summary
With the usual apologies.
This is to remind you about the submission dead line for this years International Conference on LDAP:
It is *July 8th* and it will not be extended.
Am 08.04.2011 14:54, schrieb Peter Gietz:
With the usual apologies.
The 3rd Edition of the International Conference on LDAP (LDAPCon 2011[1]) will be held on October, 10-11, 2011 in Heidelberg, Germany. A Call For Papers[2] has been raised and the Program Committee asks you to submit abstracts by July 8th.
The International Conference on LDAP is a technical forum for IT professionals interested in LDAP and related topics like directory servers, directory management applications, directory integration, identity and access management, and meta directories.
It focuses on implementation and integration of LDAP servers and LDAP-enabled client applications. The event will bring together vendors, developers, active and prospective LDAP practitioners to share their experiences about deployment strategies, service operations, interoperability, discuss LDAP usage in new projects and learn about upcoming trends and developments.
The 1st LDAPCon[3] was held in September 2007 in Germany, the 2nd LDAPCon[4] was held in September 2009 in Portland, Oregon, USA (Some pictures from LDAPCon 2007 [5] and a nice summary of LDAPCon 2009 [6])
So if you're involved with LDAP in interesting projects and you want to share your experiences, please check the Call For Papers and submit a proposal.
With the usual apologies.
This is to announce that today the Program Committee finished the review process and published the program of the Third International Conference on LDAP (LDAPCon 2011), which will take place October 10-11, 2011 in Heidelberg, Germany.
The program is available at: http://www.ldapcon.org/index.php?site=program
The dead-line for the early bird registration has been extended to August 18th.
Looking forward to meeting you in Heidelberg.