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Subject: Lulzbot going out of business and Prusa Slicer updates/bugs
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2019 13:00:01 -0700
From: Mark C.
To: mhroncok(a)redhat.com, ...
I'm writing to you because you're listed on the Fedora 3D Printing SIG as TAZ
(Lulzbot) and/or Prusa users.
First, Lulzbot is going out of business. They've released two updates recently
which are not available via the Fedora repos. These are very likely the last
cura-lulzbot releases. They contain important printer support and bug fixes.
These new releases should be captured (downloaded) and new packages released
before Lulzbot shuts down their sites. The source for both releases should be
captured in case their last release contains new bugs.
Second, an updated version of Prusa Slicer is available. It contains important
updates/bug fixes. The current package in the repo is out of date and has a
significant bug preventing it from functioning correctly on HiDPI systems.
Prusa's appimage based binary does not appear to have the same problem with
HiDPI displays. I wrote to Prusa support about the HiDPI display related bug.
They stated the problems seen with the Fedora package are caused by "linking
against the wrong version of the GTK libraries".
Thank you for your time and attention.
Mark C.