Hello all,

Here is the proposal for a API feature planned for this iteration.

The general idea is to create a RESTful API for conductor allowing us to manage all conductor functionality through this API.

Currently we have some xml and json responses implemented in controllers for aeolus-image and for javascript functionality.
For the beginning I suggest to use responder object to directly render XML responses for collections,
lately when we want to stabilize the API we should use XML templates.

Here I propose features and tasks:

=== As a developer I want to have clean controllers.
    * Move more code to before filters
    * Move more code to models

=== As a developer I want to have full test suite for the API
    * Implement all Rspec tests for the API

=== As a user I want to be able to consume xml API
    * Add responder object to actions index and show for all controllers

=== As a user I want to be able to modify data through xml API
    * Add responder object to actions update and destroy for all controllers

=== As a user I want to have overview of the API
    * Implement entry point for the API
    * Implement/configure HTTP authentication