Please find Aeolus Tech Cabal initial meeting minutes below.

Next weeks Agenda can be found here:

You must add items to the etherpad if they are to be discussed in next Cabal meeting.  Anyone wanting to add items to the Agenda then please do so by 26/11/2012.  This will give people a chance to do some preparation.

Next meeting 27/11/2012



Aeolus Tech Cabal: 20/11/2012



Procedural Items

Meeting Format: Hugh will send format to the list before next Cabal Meeting


API Resource Representation.

  1. When shall we use full resource and minimal (link) resource representation in the API?
  2. How should we allow client to access these resources?
Martyn Proposed we represent full resources in all top level collections.  Sub resources will be represented as a collection (with url) when one to many relationship is present.  Sub resource collections will include minimal resources.

Scott agreed this could solve many of the issues we are currently facing with the API and would be useful in the API.

Greg mentioned that this could cause some issues with configure.  But will seek advice from Eck

Cabal voted in favour of proposal.


Instance State Machine

  1. How do we represent state changes in the API?  Particularly for instances, deployments and deployables.
Michal spoke about using actions and links that represent state changes.

It was agreed that this is not strictly RESTful.  Discussion around pure REST v usability started, but the Cabal came to no conclusion on the matter.

Michal advised us to take a look at the CIMI documentation (  Since the API resembles ours in many ways.


Outstanding Agenda Items

  1. API versioning - Supporting for versioning the API (Not for supporting multiple version)
    1. URL v HTTP Header (Server HTTP header?)
    2. e.g. 
  2. API Paging/Filtering/Sorting?
  3. API Race Conditions
  4. Handling Deltacloud exceptions in Deltacloud - What need to be done to improve it..
  5. Callbacks in Deltacloud - When, how and who :-)