I understand the fear of being too strict about what an ambassador job description should be. I'm afraid that, without such a job description the problem will not go away. A new ambassador (like me for ex) it's left wondering about Fedora wiki and IRC channels without a clue what to do, ending posting where it's not supposed to and generally being in the way.
Fedora wiki and all the community materials are a lot to be taken in by a new contributor, and without a mentors program implemented it's even harder.
I liked the steps implemented for joining. I had 3 clear task to complete. I think this tipe of clear assignments are needed and we can discuss exception later.
I'll also feel the need for "Quick starter guide" - a 10-20 slide/pages presentation of the comunity structure and resources. If there is such a thing I didn't find it yet and maybe it should be one of the steps for joining "Step 4 - Read this"

2009/3/1 Karsten Wade <kwade@redhat.com>

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 08:26:06AM -0600, inode0 wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:34 AM, Max Spevack <mspevack@redhat.com> wrote:
> > The purpose of this email is to try to lay out a roadmap for solving, once
> > and for all, the question of inactive Fedora Ambassadors.
> Perhaps I'm thinking about this problem in a more surgical way.
> Ambassadors contribute in so many different ways that I don't even
> feel comfortable thinking I can enumerate them and so I prefer to not
> label an ambassador inactive because they don't contribute in the ways
> I can enumerate.

[snip good points]

I also am concerned about labeling and requirements and narrow values
of what is and isn't an Ambassador.  There have to be better ways to
ensure that people are contacted promptly.

One way is to have people add themselves to contact lists.  For
example, I could just put on my own [[User:Quaid]] page a tag
[[Category:Contact me as an Ambassador]] (or something).  When I'm no
longer interested in being contact, I remove that tag from my page.

Just be sure to put a note on the page
that says to please contact someone else if you haven't heard back
within X days.

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Community Gardener

Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list