Hello Folks,

I had an event 
Venue: SLIIT, Kandy an IT education institution in Sri Lanka.
Date: 27th Oct 2011
Time : 1 pm-3 pm

The line up was,
* Introduction to FOSS 
* Software Freedom Day 2011
* Fedora Project, Contribution

I was the speaker and the event last for about 2 hours.

Their lab computers are installed with Fedora 11 and I promised to send some F16 DVD as soon as they are ready.
The staff is so excited about the project and willing to have another event soon when their new batches arrived in around next January.
Looking forward to have more events under the "Fedora for Kandy" event series[1] and get more contribution towards the project and 
hope that will make the Fedora LK Community[2] bigger.

Here is the brief event report and more detailed story with photos will be coming soon as soon I got them.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_For_Kandy
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LK_Community

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera)
Fedora Ambassador Sri Lanka
Event Liaison - Design Team

Emailbckurera@fedoraproject.org | IRC: bckurera