
Sorry, I missed the meeting today. I planned to attend but found out late ( 13.10 UTC) that my Network admin has blocked irc, yahoo ms, skype etc.

Can anybody suggest anyway to beat it, i tried java applet irc to no avail. if not then i can only attend only meetings after work time

Ama Mgbeoji

----- Original Message ----
From: Francesco Ugolini <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:21:40 PM
Subject: [Ambassadors] Ambassadors' meeting reminder - Thursday 17th May 14.00 UTC

I want to remember all ambassadors that tomorrow there will be a meeting
at 14.00 UTC in #fedora-meeting channel.

We will discuss about:

- FAmSCo updates
- Projects updates
- Events updates
- Ideas/Proposal and moreover ...

Http:// see the
agenda or to add new topics to this one.

Thanks for your attention

Francesco Ugolini
Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list

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