
I am in Ghana and have recieved many requests from people in and around West Africa for the CD's,I could also distribute without any charge within the region.Indeed, we are in dire need of the media here, as Internet connection is not that fast.Any quantity would be welcome.

My Address:
Elijah Hanson


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Max Spevack <mspevack@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi all,

The company in Munich is ready to ship out the F12 media, and we need to give them a few addresses.  We have 1,500 Desktop Spin Live CDs (32 bit) and 1500 DVDs (32 bit).

***IMPORTANT*** -- I only want to give them 3 or 4 addresses, and break the shipment up to those folks.  Then for individual small events, Fedora contributors can re-send a few CDs to Ambassadors and save their receipts either for FAMSCo or for the Fedora EMEA non-profit to reimburse them.

I'm thinking of having CDs/DVDs sent to:

(1) Frederic Hornian -- who can bring them to FOSDEM

(2) Joerg Simon -- who can have some for Chemnitz, and also maybe re-send them to other folks.

(3) Italy -- who would want to be the person who hangs on to the media?

(4) ?????  Is there anyone else who either already knows that they need a bunch of CDs, or who is willing to be a holder of CDs and send them to other folks in EMEA who do need them?

I filled that role some of the time last year when I was in Amsterdam, but now that I'm back in Raleigh, I can't mail CDs around Europe anymore :)

***REMEMBER*** -- don't write your address on a public mailing list that is archived forever.  Let's just figure out how we're going to break up the shipments, and then collect addresses off-list.
