The Fedora Workstation team has been considering some changes we'd like
to see in Anaconda to make installation as simple as possible and
reduce redundancy with GNOME Initial Setup. These changes are proposed
for the Workstation installer only and not other products' installers,
so we assume that Anaconda will allow this level of per-product
configurability. Changes would be targeted for F24, not F23, since
we're aware that the Anaconda team is busy on RHEL work right now.
1) Remove the network configuration spoke. In the live installer, this
spoke allows setting only the system hostname, but it follows different
rules for setting the hostname than GNOME and systemd (which has the
concept of a user-facing "pretty hostname" that allows special
characters and spaces). We'd prefer to implement this in Initial Setup
instead, where we can pick a default based on the user's name (e.g.
Michael's Computer).
2) Remove the user account creation spoke. This is redundant with
Initial Setup.
3) Remove the root password configuration spoke. It's very confusing
how this is different from the user's admin account password. Initial
Setup ensures the first user is an administrator (is placed in the
wheel group). Advanced users can set a root password after installation
if desired.
4) With root password and user account creation removed, the
installation progress panel will require a redesign. We haven't thought
much about this. One possibility would be to move the progress bar to
the center of the screen.
5) Optional: We've also discussed removing the hub and spokes and
having one panel flow directly into the next. Many of us feel that
removing the need to choose which spoke to visit next would make the
installer easier to use and perhaps less intimidating, but we do not
have consensus on this point. It isn't related to the goal of reducing
redundancy between Anaconda and GNOME Initial Setup.
This mailing list might not be the greatest place for a discussion of
these changes, since the other Workstation folks are not here. Paul
Frields will work with David Cantrell to arrange a meeting.