Adding also author of the question to the reply. Sorry for the noise.

Dne 26. 11. 22 v 14:43 Jiri Konecny napsal(a):

I'm not a  project maintainer but from my PoV this project is a bit in maintenance mode so I don't expect such a change. Also change of the hash algorithm should be done as a separate project probably -- it would mean renaming anyway. And honestly, I would expect that there are better alternatives now (did not looked for them so I might be wrong).

Brian, I guess you are the best person to ask about the project (based on the number of contributions. What do you think?

Best Regards,

Dne 22. 11. 22 v 21:49 Pappas, John W napsal(a):

Hello, I am wondering if there is a limitation on the size of hash that can be used to embed and validate.  IE, why has this not moved to a more resilient hash?


Thanks so much!




John Pappas

DSO Engineer, C2BMC (RMS: Rotary and Mission Systems)

Colorado Springs, CO (COS)

(O) 719-277-5377

(M) 720-254-1442


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