Without controversy, developers and maintainers have every right to do things their own way and refuse requests.
I my case, the installer's first problem isn't the interface, it's the lack of functionality, functions that have been blocked, the inability to bypass limits.
In my case, it lacks the ability to upgrade/install over an existing installation, install over already existing empty partitions, use gparted, etc. .
My feeling when using the installer is that I am a prisoner of a closed system without having enough advantages.
I'm sorry you feel it this way. Just want to point you to mount-point assignment feature which is in Anaconda for some time already (only text UI) where you are able to do your partitioning as you want and just assign that a mount points in Anaconda.
I hope that helps.
Best Regards, Jirka
Dne 30. 11. 22 v 6:37 gius db napsal(a):
Without controversy, developers and maintainers have every right to do things their own way and refuse requests.
I my case, the installer's first problem isn't the interface, it's the lack of functionality, functions that have been blocked, the inability to bypass limits.
In my case, it lacks the ability to upgrade/install over an existing installation, install over already existing empty partitions, use gparted, etc. .
My feeling when using the installer is that I am a prisoner of a closed system without having enough advantages.
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