> Sorry, I didn't remove anything. Just pressed "reply" and sent a reply. If you can tell me how to keep mailing lists, I will definitely follow your instructions. (I copied info from your reply - hope that is the info to which you were referring)
Reply All.
> Plex offers nothing for ARM. Raspberry Pi OS offers an ARM version and so does Archlinux-ARM/Manjaro.
It offers both 32/64 bit for Ubuntu.
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 12:23 PM Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Please don't remove the mailing list from replies.
>> > Thanks for answering. I have archlinuxARM and Raspberry Pi OS both of which have support for the plexmediaserver. On a normal (non-ARM) system, plex offers downloads for both Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora. Archlinux offers the program via AUR (user repository) where users take .deb downloads of software and change them to Arch compatible programs. I just thought that Fedora-arm would likewise offer the program (using the non-ARM fedora program and changing it so that it would run on Fedora-arm.
>> So if plex offers the downloads for Fedora x86 it should be plex that
>> offers it for arm. Have you reached out to plex to see if they would?
>> I've never used plex.
>> > On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 11:00 AM Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > I have fedora-arm 34 with openbox. Where/how can I get plexmediaserver for this system?
>> >>
>> >> Where would you usually get it for x86? I've never used it.