Am 03.02.21 um 19:44 schrieb Matthias Runge:
On 01/02/2021 18:30, Andreas Reschke wrote:
Hi there,

I've received as a gift a Raspberry Pi 4B (8GB). While installing Fedora on it I see difference behavior on booting.

a) booting from USB3 (
change: replace Fedora 32 with 33

Comment: Fedora boot fast but Bluetooth and Wifi isn't available

b) installing Fedora with arm-image-installer
Comment: Fedora boot slow and Bluetooth and Wifi are available

How can I solve this?

Another difference: a) is using rpi-uefi, no?
Hello Matthias,
you're right.

And on time of writing the documentation (2020-09-05):

What doesn’t work (yet) 
  1. Audio - both over HDMI and through the audio jack output
  2. Graphics drivers - accelerated video decode, OpenGL acceleration, and higher resolutions are all unavailable
  3. Wi-Fi
  4. Bluetooth
I hope this was fixed in the main time (3,4).

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