Let me introduce myself : Guillaume FORTAINE, Engineer in Computer Science.
I have read with interest the topic started by Mister Leighton entitled " 1ghz ARM Laptop (12in 1280x800 LCD)" and I would greatly appreciate to share my conclusions with you.
First of all, I would want to mention that except the comments of Mister Sealey, coming from a really smart engineer, everything else seems to belong to a "geeky" dream with a lot of misconceptions too numerous to mention.
But to come back to the "1ghz ARM Laptop" topic :
-12in 1280x800
a) You have already 10.1in screens with 1280x720 resolution support [0]
b) You even have 10.1in screens with 1366x768 resolution support [1]
-1Ghz ARM Laptop
As previously mentioned by Forum Blogarm.net, there is Nufront [2] with their NuSmart 2816 SoC (2x2Ghz Cortex A9, Data Brief in English) [3].
And, if your are lazy, like me, you will directly buy a 14'' Nufront Newton [4] (Rock Yang, yuxin.yang@nufront.com, VP Marketing) [5].
Best Regards,
[0] http://support.acer.com/acerpanam/netbook/2011/Acer/Aspire/AspireOneAO522/As... [1] http://www.dell.com/us/p/inspiron-duo/pd [2] http://lists.phcomp.co.uk/pipermail/arm-netbook/2011-January/000823.html [3] http://um00i1.chinaw3.com/Nufront_NuSmartTM_2816_EN.pdf [4] http://www.netbooknews.com/17640/14-nufront-newton-with-the-dual-core-cortex... [5] http://cn.linkedin.com/pub/rock-yang/8/236/93a
Guillaume FORTAINE Tel : +33(0)631092519 Mail : gfortaine@gfortaine.biz ----------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 16:32:55 +0000 From: luke.leighton@gmail.com To: gordan@bobich.net CC: shnurapet@fedoraproject.org; arm@lists.fedoraproject.org; arm-netbook@lists.phcomp.co.uk Subject: Re: [Arm-netbook] [fedora-arm] 1ghz ARM Laptop (12in 1280x800 LCD)
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Gordan Bobic wrote:
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm not a hardware hacker. But, as a consumer, I'd say that a "1gb NAND Flash" is quite a bit below the level. I also wouldn't care much about a 1280x720 screen if the hardware wouldn't be capable of playing the video flawlessly. Or, if there was an HDMI port to connect to TV, which is, in my taste, better suited for watching.
yep - all the designs i've worked on, and all the CPUs found (so far) were selected precisely because of the HDMI output capability. i'd kinda ruled out the spea1310 because you need an extra IC converting LCD to DVI/HDMI or even *shudder* a PCI-e graphics IC (volari Z11 god help us is about the only free-software-compatible option)
I was just thinking about that, actually. If you're making a custom mobo, then as long as you can find an ARM SoC tht has PCI-e, you could just apply an MXM module and plug in an ATI or Nvidia GPU for which we already have passably working OSS drivers.
Of course, this defeats the purpose of the exercise - who in their right mind would use a 2W CPU with a 30W+ GPU in a laptop?
*ROTFL*. yyep. the volari z11 is what ended up in the openrd ultimate, for pretty much these reasons. yes, i've been looking around for an IC that does 3D graphics at lower power. there are a couple from broadcomm but broadcomm are a f*****g nightmare to work with. their attitude can be summarised as "your product will fail, therefore we are not interested".
it's very interesting that it's been the U.S. companies whose attitude has been "your product will fail, therefore we do not wish to be involved". i find this fascinating.
gordon is right about the SD/MMC card thing, but the "level 10" ones can at least guarantee above 10mbytes/sec *read* capability. so _yes_ to the SATA interface.
The 10MB/s is _supposed_ to be for worst-case sequential writes. There is, however, no defined benchmark, and manufacturers are free to do their own testing. Most fail any sane real-world measurements of the specification.
I'm glad we agree on anything other than SATA being unworkable. :)
weell, i'm covering all the angles. genesyslogic's ICs are about $1
- $1.50 even in small volumes so it's not as if it'll break the bank
by putting one on the motherboard, in the case where the CPU itself doesn't have SATA.
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