After successfully testing an OpenVPN link on a x86_64, I get the following error on aarch64, as root:
# nmcli connection import type ovpn file <file>.ovpn Error: failed to find VPN plugin for ovpn.
Both systems have openvn, NetworkManager-openvpn, and NetworkManager-openvpn- gnome packages installed.
journalctl -f is completely silent, during this.
The only thing I can think of: the x86_64 server is headless, but has a user session autologging into a desktop, on the console. The aarch64 VM is also headless. In both cases I'm ssh-ing in. Maybe something gets started when there's a desktop login, that's required for this. The only thing I see running, on the x86_64 server is nm-applet, that surely can't be required. The x86_64 server desktop login is not a root login, but I can ssh to the x86_64 server, as root, and install the same ovpn connection without any issues.
After successfully testing an OpenVPN link on a x86_64, I get the following error on aarch64, as root:
# nmcli connection import type ovpn file <file>.ovpn Error: failed to find VPN plugin for ovpn.
So having tried that same command with a openvpn profile I use daily I had a look at the manual [1] to check to see if I could list plugins. It mentioned "type values are the same as for vpn-type option in nmcli connection add" so checking that out I got a lst of the following types "vpn-type vpnc|openvpn|pptp|openconnect|openswan|libreswan|ssh|l2tp|iodine|..."
That gave me a slightly different error related to my actual config, but to start it seems you need to substitute ovpn for openvpn in you command line.
After successfully testing an OpenVPN link on a x86_64, I get the following error on aarch64, as root:
# nmcli connection import type ovpn file <file>.ovpn Error: failed to find VPN plugin for ovpn.
So having tried that same command with a openvpn profile I use daily I had a look at the manual [1] to check to see if I could list plugins. It mentioned "type values are the same as for vpn-type option in nmcli connection add" so checking that out I got a lst of the following types "vpn-type vpnc|openvpn|pptp|openconnect|openswan|libreswan|ssh|l2tp|iodine|..."
That gave me a slightly different error related to my actual config, but to start it seems you need to substitute ovpn for openvpn in you command line.
Once I exported it from the other machine properly a "nmcli connection import type openvpn file test.ovpn" worked as expected on an aarch64 machine.
Peter Robinson writes:
After successfully testing an OpenVPN link on a x86_64, I get the
error on aarch64, as root:
# nmcli connection import type ovpn file <file>.ovpn Error: failed to find VPN plugin for ovpn.
So having tried that same command with a openvpn profile I use daily I had a look at the manual [1] to check to see if I could list plugins. It mentioned "type values are the same as for vpn-type option in nmcli connection add" so checking that out I got a lst of the following types "vpn-type vpnc|openvpn|pptp|openconnect|openswan|libreswan|ssh|l2tp|iodine|..."
That gave me a slightly different error related to my actual config, but to start it seems you need to substitute ovpn for openvpn in you command line.
Once I exported it from the other machine properly a "nmcli connection import type openvpn file test.ovpn" worked as expected on an aarch64 machine.
Yup. Rookie error. I got mixed up between the .ovpn extension, and the "openvpn" plugin name.