I have fedora-arm 34 with openbox. Where/how can I get plexmediaserver for this system?
Thanks for the help.
On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 12:56 PM Donatom M donatom.martino@gmail.com wrote:
I have fedora-arm 34 with openbox. Where/how can I get plexmediaserver for this system?
Doesn't look like they have arm support on Fedora, only on Ubuntu/Debian.
Thanks, Richard
Le lun. 2 août 2021 à 19:56, Donatom M donatom.martino@gmail.com a écrit :
I have fedora-arm 34 with openbox. Where/how can I get plexmediaserver for this system?
plex-media-player (not server) is available via rpmfusion for armhfp and aarch64 (along x86_64).
I'm not sure which video acceleration method is available on this player and if it's suitable for fedora on pi... (the way forward is probably to use v4l2-m2m api for pi).