I just made a repo from scratch with the mkrootfs-13 script.
If I poke through the repolists in yum.repos.d The only one enabled is for rawhide, and if I substitute armv5tel or arm for the arch, i get an invalid arch. (it works for say x86_64)
The mirror for the F12 image points to wantstofly.org
On Thursday, December 30, 2010 01:14:05 pm omalleys@msu.edu wrote:
I just made a repo from scratch with the mkrootfs-13 script.
If I poke through the repolists in yum.repos.d The only one enabled is for rawhide, and if I substitute armv5tel or arm for the arch, i get an invalid arch. (it works for say x86_64)
how did you make the filesystem. sounds like you used a x86_64 box which will not work.
The mirror for the F12 image points to wantstofly.org
When we start pushing things out the content will be on secondary.fedoraproject.org and will be mirrored and use fedora's mirrormanager.
Quoting Dennis Gilmore dennis@ausil.us:
On Thursday, December 30, 2010 01:14:05 pm omalleys@msu.edu wrote:
I just made a repo from scratch with the mkrootfs-13 script.
If I poke through the repolists in yum.repos.d The only one enabled is for rawhide, and if I substitute armv5tel or arm for the arch, i get an invalid arch. (it works for say x86_64)
how did you make the filesystem. sounds like you used a x86_64 box which will not work.
I found this out earlier. :) I'm using the qemu with the F12 image for testing atm.
The mirror for the F12 image points to wantstofly.org
When we start pushing things out the content will be on secondary.fedoraproject.org and will be mirrored and use fedora's mirrormanager.
Can i just use the arm.koji url for the updates and main repo as a temp solution? I built the rootfs last night and it isn't giving me any updates today. So i'm not sure if it is working or not. It is downloading the db's.. but im not sure if yum is smart enough to figure out what it needs or not.