Someone has tested the latest RC of the Minimal image on the RPi3 using the serial console? Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't work as in previous composes was. It stops printing on the serial console as soon as the kernel is loaded. The append line in the extlinux.conf file seems ok.
Tomorrow I will try again. In the meanwhile could someone confirm that it works?
Thanks A.
On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Alessio Ciregia wrote:
Someone has tested the latest RC of the Minimal image on the RPi3 using the serial console? Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't work as in previous composes was. It stops printing on the serial console as soon as the kernel is loaded. The append line in the extlinux.conf file seems ok.
There was a change/regression where you need to specify ttyS1 for the console, not S0, I believe it should work fine for that, I think I know what the issue is but I'm traveling this week in endless meetings so I've not had time to verify my theory as to why that is
Tomorrow I will try again. In the meanwhile could someone confirm that it works?
Thanks A.
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Indeed, adding "console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200" to the append line in extlinux.conf, now the serial connection works. But initial-setup, even if the answers appears in the serial interface, doesn't work: in reality there is a login screen. Here you can find a screencast to better understand: Using the hdmi monitor and the keyboard, initial setup works.
2017-09-26 19:48 GMT+02:00 Peter Robinson
On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Alessio Ciregia wrote:
Someone has tested the latest RC of the Minimal image on the RPi3 using
serial console? Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't work as in previous composes was. It
printing on the serial console as soon as the kernel is loaded. The
line in the extlinux.conf file seems ok.
There was a change/regression where you need to specify ttyS1 for the console, not S0, I believe it should work fine for that, I think I know what the issue is but I'm traveling this week in endless meetings so I've not had time to verify my theory as to why that is
Tomorrow I will try again. In the meanwhile could someone confirm that it works?
Thanks A.
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----- Original Message -----
Indeed, adding "console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200" to the append line in extlinux.conf, now the serial connection works. But initial-setup, even if the answers appears in the serial interface, doesn't work: in reality there is a login screen. Here you can find a screencast to better understand: Using the hdmi monitor and the keyboard, initial setup works.
Thanks for all the testing Alessio!
With our Beta release already delayed, I think we need to document using the display to configure initial setup for the Raspberry Pi 3 (which is what most users will do) and get this fixed for final.
Initial-setup over serial works on all other hardware tested.
2017-09-26 19:48 GMT+02:00 Peter Robinson < > :
On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Alessio Ciregia < > wrote:
Someone has tested the latest RC of the Minimal image on the RPi3 using the serial console? Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't work as in previous composes was. It stops printing on the serial console as soon as the kernel is loaded. The append line in the extlinux.conf file seems ok.
There was a change/regression where you need to specify ttyS1 for the console, not S0, I believe it should work fine for that, I think I know what the issue is but I'm traveling this week in endless meetings so I've not had time to verify my theory as to why that is
Tomorrow I will try again. In the meanwhile could someone confirm that it works?
Thanks A.
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On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Alessio Ciregia wrote:
Indeed, adding "console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200" to the append line in extlinux.conf, now the serial connection works. But initial-setup, even if the answers appears in the serial interface, doesn't work: in reality there is a login screen. Here you can find a screencast to better understand: Using the hdmi monitor and the keyboard, initial setup works.
That PR should fix it, you can test it easily on an existing image by editing the initial-setup.service adding ttyS1 to it
2017-09-26 19:48 GMT+02:00 Peter Robinson
On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Alessio Ciregia wrote:
Someone has tested the latest RC of the Minimal image on the RPi3 using the serial console? Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't work as in previous composes was. It stops printing on the serial console as soon as the kernel is loaded. The append line in the extlinux.conf file seems ok.
There was a change/regression where you need to specify ttyS1 for the console, not S0, I believe it should work fine for that, I think I know what the issue is but I'm traveling this week in endless meetings so I've not had time to verify my theory as to why that is
Tomorrow I will try again. In the meanwhile could someone confirm that it works?
Thanks A.
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2017-09-26 19:48 GMT+02:00 Peter Robinson
There was a change/regression where you need to specify ttyS1 for the console, not S0, I believe it should work fine for that, I think I know what the issue is but I'm traveling this week in endless meetings so I've not had time to verify my theory as to why that is
Another observation. Burning the Minimal image, inserting it in the RPi3 and booting it with the serial "cable" connected, serial communication works even if I have not "enabled" it in config and extlinux.
Ciao A.
There was a change/regression where you need to specify ttyS1 for the console, not S0, I believe it should work fine for that, I think I know what the issue is but I'm traveling this week in endless meetings so I've not had time to verify my theory as to why that is
Another observation. Burning the Minimal image, inserting it in the RPi3 and booting it with the serial "cable" connected, serial communication works even if I have not "enabled" it in config and extlinux.
The kernel could see the serial port anyway due to the DT, and the kernel might get the option automatically by the bootargs or console options from the firmware although I'm guessing here.