Adding back as it was dropped at some point.
I've never filed bug report. This is free, open source software. WiFi failing to stay connected, failing to route to anything that's not in its own subnet Bind losing it's mind about what subnet it's on GUI Begins coming up, only to black and leave you with virtual terminals.
We use a primarily upstream linus kernel, we've never had reports from users of key things like this, and I've never seen it in my own testing, so I would be interested in your usecase/configuration.
There's so much I could say. Rather than gripe about it, i'd much rather just roll up my sleeves and find a way to help as best as I can. Been writing C/C++ on UNIX/Linux for almost 25 years now. I think that's a more productive approach.. .
To some degree report bugs is helping because it means we can fix it for all Fedora users, even if your coding ends up fixing it, because it means we can ensure the fixes are in place for all users, not just a single user, I feel that's a productive approach hence the request for bug reports :-)
On Mon, Apr 29, 2024, 15:39 Peter Robinson wrote:
I'm curious now. I use ethernet on mine and almost always build custom kernels. In the absence of anything more useful, I feel motivated to play with this and see what I can see. Had plenty of other issues with RPi (4b) and Fedora tho'. Contemplating migration to Manjaro......
What sort of issues? Can you provide some details or links to some bug reports please?
On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 12:33 PM Peter Robinson wrote:
I have a couple of Raspberry Pi 4 systems running Fedora 39 (as headless servers), but I'm now hitting kernel update issues with both of them. I've opened RHBZs on both but haven't gotten any response (they're niche issues on a somewhat niche platform, so probably not much attention). I was wondering if anybody here might have any suggestions for working on getting these fixed.
One issue started with kernel 6.7 on one Pi - about 30-60 seconds after boot, it crashes back to a uboot screen (had to hook up a monitor to see it). I have netconsole set up but it doesn't show anything. This Pi has a GPS HAT set up with PPS for a time source... I suspect it may be related to that? The boot-to-crash delay is probably around the time that it takes for the GPS/PPS to start up after boot. Kernel 6.6.13 still works fine.
The other issue started with kernel 6.8 on another Pi - this one loses the ability to connect to a WPA3-PSK wifi network. It can still connect to a WPA2-PSK network, and kernel 6.7 can connect to WPA3-PSK. I have other (x86_64) Fedora systems that can connect to the WPA3-PSK network with kernel 6.8.
I replied on both of those bugs. While I maintain various pieces of arm kernel I don't follow all kernel bugs as I don't have the bandwidth so it's useful to ping here as you've done for awareness to problems.
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