FYI, I've found an issue with the current kernel 5.6.x (maybe earlier) the as3722_regulator module isn't added by dracut in hostonly mode (it is added as all others regulators)
I need to add this: cat >/etc/dracut.conf.d/jetson-tk1.conf<<EOF add_drivers+=" as3722-regulator " EOF
This prevents the board to mount the rootfs in mmc or sda when the initramfs is in host-only mode.
I've reported the issue to dracut upstream at https://github.com/dracutdevs/dracut/issues/847
Now I wonder if other boards are affected by such regulators tweak and if a common solution can be found ?
Thanks for your advice. -- -
Nicolas (kwizart)
On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 2:57 PM Nicolas Chauvet kwizart@gmail.com wrote:
FYI, I've found an issue with the current kernel 5.6.x (maybe earlier) the as3722_regulator module isn't added by dracut in hostonly mode (it is added as all others regulators)
I need to add this: cat >/etc/dracut.conf.d/jetson-tk1.conf<<EOF add_drivers+=" as3722-regulator " EOF
This prevents the board to mount the rootfs in mmc or sda when the initramfs is in host-only mode.
So two questions: 1) when did this regress? 2) is it an issue with 5.7 (heading to f-32 RSN) or 5.8-rcX?
I've reported the issue to dracut upstream at https://github.com/dracutdevs/dracut/issues/847
Why is this a dracut issue, it sounds like a module dep issue.
Now I wonder if other boards are affected by such regulators tweak and if a common solution can be found ?
We already pull all the regulator driver into the generic initrd, and regulator drivers should already be assessed by dracut when building the initrd if the kernel deps are right so I suspect there's a regression or some other change which has changed this, first step will be to work out the last known good kernel and work it out from there.