I’m running Fedora28 on a RPI3B+ and I’m currently looking for a way to switch off the RED LED .
Here after is what I found but that is for Rasbian and not Fedora.
If you want to disable both LEDs permanently, add the following to /boot/config.txt:
# Disable the ACT LED. dtparam=act_led_trigger=none dtparam=act_led_activelow=off
# Disable the PWR LED. dtparam=pwr_led_trigger=none dtparam=pwr_led_activelow=off
Thanks in advance for your help Patrick
the complicated manor in which i would go about figuring this out would be as such: boot into raspbian with the default led settings, then use dtc to dump the active device tree into a dts file dtc -I fs -O dts -s /proc/device-tree > ~/led1.dts reboot, but this time with desired led settings in config.txt dtc -I fs -O dts -s /proc/device-tree > ~/led2.dts then diff the dts files and look for the pertinent changes then you're going to need to get the kernel sources for fedora and work that data into something like bcm2837-rpi-3-b-plus.dts and then regenerate the dtb file which you'll need to replace each time you update the kernel it's probably not worth it