Hi Joseph,

very nice, now it works: compiles and the basic things seem to work (display, imstat, etc)

I have run "fedora-review" on the rpm. It is an automated tool that checks if the package follows fedora guidelines. Some, if not all, the recomendations my be applied to Mageia.

The directory to install must be %{_libdir}/iraf and not %{_datadir}/iraf, as the package is arch dependent

After the install there are a bunch of source files remaining under iraf. I have used find -name "*.f" -o -name "*.c" ... -delete to remove them. I have
removed also empty files and dirs.

fedora-review checks the licenses of the files. Here there are two issues:
  * There is not a license file for Iraf that I can find. If it is hidden in some doc/doc/doc directory it should really go in the top level directory
  * The software in iraf is under different licenses. fedora-review checks the files in the source tree and tries to group them under license. The present licenses are: BSD (3 clauses), BSD (4 clauses), GPL v1 or later, GPl v2 or later, CDDL, MIT/X11. I'm not a lawyer, but CDDL and BSD (4 clauses) are not GPL compatible, so the combined work cannot fulfill the requirements of every license.

There are bundled libraries (cfitsio, readline, expat, etc) that should be unbundled. Probably everything under vendor should be unbundled.

I have updated the rpm file to use _libdir and to remove some of the most obvious source files. Please have a look here:


Best regards, Sergio

2013/5/17 Joseph Wang <joequant@gmail.com>
I've gotten the SRPM to build with mock and uploaded a link to dropbox


On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Sergio Pascual <sergiopr@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Hi Joseph,

I haven't managed yet to get iraf built in mock. I create an srpm
using the two files you attach and another patch more from your
previous mail. I then build the rpm using mock but the compilation

Have you used mock to build the srpms? If not, please do so. It's the
only way to be sure that the dependencies are handled correctly.

I would appreciate a lot if you could upload your working source rpm
somewhere so that I can download it and recompile it in my system.

And thanks a lot for your hard work.

Regards, Sergio

2013/5/7 Joseph Wang <joequant@gmail.com>:
> I got Hello world on fedora 18.
> The main roadblock was that f2c.h on fedora has had the fortran types
> changed a bit.